A new Engagement story to tell.. This time for “Save the date” we are at the park of “Cascine di Tavola” in Prato. Is one of the greeny areas of the city that stretches for about 300 hectars from the Villa Medicea of Poggio a Caiano to the suburb of Tavola. During the warmer season the people from that area go there for walking, pic-nics, jogging immersed in nature and far away from the traffic of the city.
We decide to take the photo for this Engagement early in the morning to take advantage of the cooler hours of the day and avoid crowds in the afternoon. After a walk with Martina and Francesco we stoped near an abandoned structure surrouded by little trees to get the right light and shadows. But we are not the only ones who chose the cooler huors of the day, in fact just the time to start making some shots, an athletic runner jumps over the date rope that Francesco and Martina are holding. That was a great moment to use my reportage kind of photo and I couldn’t miss that chance.
After few other shots, we move towards the wall for an original photo that usually many appreciate. For the Engagement I always try to do new things and not to repeat the usual shots, but it often happens that some couples seeing my pictures want a similar one here. Sure I want to make them happy so if that is their wish.. I do everything they want to!
With Martina and Francesco we spent about an hour in the park of Cascine di Tavola, we had great fun in creating something new. It happens that when the couples who choose my photo shoot are in front of my camera, they eventually get relaxed and I always try to put them at ease without forcing unatural poses.
Here below some of the shots..